

Leader. Problem Solver. Software Engineer.
See my resumé!

About Me

Driven by the relentless pursuit of excellence

With years of experience in the field, Adem thrives on challenges, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. His innovative mindset, strong technical acumen, passion for problem solving, and readiness to help others enable him not just to navigate complex problems but to proactively seek solutions that redefine industry standards. A natural leader and collaborator, Adem always strives for both his and the team's success through dedication, creativity, and hard work.

My Specialties

Fullstack Development

Bringing mockups to life, automating E2E and writing unit tests, architecting backends, and everything in between

Leading Teams + Project Management

Creating Figma designs, planning and delegating work (ie via JIRA, Trello, etc), collaborating with stakeholders, deploying to production, and much more

Mentorship + Collaboration

Pair programming with junior team members, inter-team and inter-department collaboration, in-depth code review, and setting up teams across the company for success,

Experience & Education

Current Senior Web Engineer Lead Web Developer responsible for all things web
@ Good Inside / New York, NY
2021-2024 Team Lead Managed a team of 5 engineers (up to 7 in the past)
@ JupiterOne / Remote
Senior Software Engineer Fullstack development using React and NodeJS + Typescript
@ JupiterOne / Remote
2019-2021 Software Engineer Fullstack development using React w/ JavaScript and NodeJS
@ Constellation Software / New York, NY
Associate Software Engineer Fullstack development using React w/ JavaScript and NodeJS, static site creation and management (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap)
@ Constellation Software / New York, NY
2016 - 2018 Coding Course Instructor Programming and Web Development Courses covering topics such as web development with JavaScript, programming with Python, and much more
@ Abstract Thinking / Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
2015 - 2018 Freelance Developer Web and app development, product and graphic design, and technical consulting
New York, NY and Remote
Education Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Minor in Electrical Engineering
@ University of Buckingham (SSST University) / Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Technical Skills

Current Frontend Tech

React (TypeScript) with hooks, GraphQL for data management, MaterialUI for app components, Storybook for regression and UI mocking, CypresUI + Gherkin for automated E2E testing, ViteJS + SingleSPA for micro frontend architecture, Figma for design

Current Backend Tech

NodeJS w/ Typescript for scripting and APIs, Terraform for infrastructure as code, AWS for cloud services (ie DynamoDB, S3, Lambda, etc)

Past Tech

React + Redux, ExpressJS, Sass, Python, C#, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Serverless, CircleCI, Swift, Java (Android), and much more

Language Skills

English 🇺🇸 (fluent)
Bosnian 🇧🇦 (fluent)
German 🇩🇪 (B2 certified)

7 years of experience - 100% positive feedback

Adem is effective in taking on complex work and closing it out with high quality solutions. When solving problems he is able to strike an excellent balance of cleaning up relevant code and leaving things better than he found them.
Carter Hesterman Director of Engineering @ JupiterOne
It was great working with him. He incorporated my ideas quite well. Great communicator.
John Doe SEM Construction
One of those rare, genuine people with an innate understanding of tech. Adem is driven by excellence in everything he does, and he does quite a lot. An absolute pleasure to work and communicate with!
Damir Cengic UI&UX Expert
Adem is a great and hard-working developer. I would definitely vouch for him.
Nauman Hafiz CTO @ Constellation Software
Adem puts 200% effort in his work. His work really stands out.
Abdallah Salhab Book Author
Adem is great to work with. He translated my ideas quite well and even one-uped them. He made it really easy to get work done.
Ilir Haxhaj Founder @ MIL Pro Painting inc.

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© 2023 Adem Hadrovic

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